Today is my wedding anniversary. 

I married the beautiful Nikki in 2004! 

We met in 2003. Her maiden name was my first name! I said, “We should just get married.” Okay, I didn’t say that. 

We met in New York for a church event. She lived in Florida and I lived in Illinois. 

We exchanged numbers. We met in August 2003. I proposed in October. We married the following June! Wow, that was fast. 

A lot has happened in these 13 years. A lot of highs and some lows. We’ve done something that many don’t do…stay together as a couple. But it’s not enough to stay together. We don’t want to survive in our marriages, we want to thrive! I love my ABC’s! So thinking about 13 years of marriage I’ve put together some thoughts. Maybe they can help you. Maybe you can give them to someone else. Or maybe you just want to read them for the fun of it! Here goes…

The ABC’s of marriage…

A…never have an AFFAIR. I’m thankful we’ve been faithful to one another. 

B…focus on your BLESSINGS. They are there even when you can’t see them. 

C…stay CALM in the midst of storms. Draw CLOSER to each other and to God. 

D… Determine not to get DIVORCED. There’s no plan B. 

E… ENJOY doing things together. After all you are a couple. 

F…grow your FAITH together. Study together, pray together. 

G…GIVE your spouse the time they need and deserve.

H…Keep HOPE alive when challenges come along. 

I…focus on INTIMACY. 

J…Speak words that will bring JOY not death! 

K…Be KIND to one another. Really listen and try to do what your spouse requests. 

L…LEARN more about your spouse. 

M…MAKE love a lot! Enjoy your spouse! Let them satisfy you at all times. 

N…Don’t NEGLECT your spouse. Give them what they need. A listening ear, encouragement, sometimes a rebuke, a shoulder to lean on, etc. 

O…OPEN your heart fully to them. 

P…PRAY together. It’s hard to stay mad at each other when you do this. Never let PORN enter your home or in your marriage. It’s poison.  It will bring problems.

Q…sometimes you will have QUARRELS. But know that just because you have some that it’s not reason to QUIT on the marriage. 

R…RELY on each other. Work together as a team. Because you are a team. Go team LEE! 

S…Enjoy the SEXUAL relationship. Learn how to satisfy your spouse. Remember a couple of things. Guys are like microwaves. We are always ready to go. Just press a button and we’re ready. Women are like ovens. They need to pre-heat.  So both parties will have to take this into account so that the sexual relationship will be great. 


U…U get to decide how great your marriage will be. Make it a good one. 

V…VOICE your concerns in the proper way. Don’t revert to silence. That will not work. 

W…WAIT on God. His timing is always perfect. He will always provide. He will never disappoint. 

X…Both husband and wife need to XAMINE their hearts. Sometimes you may be the problem.

Y…YOU said YES to them! Keep saying saying YES everday. Find a way to keep the marriage fresh and alive! 

Z…Be ZEALOUS to help your spouse get to Heaven. With that mindset, you will have a great marriage. There will be patience. There will be forgiveness. Bitterness will be released. Joy will be in the air! 

Marriage is great! Enjoy it!