More people are saying “I don’t” when it comes to their marriage. 

But before you say “I don’t” remember a couple of things. 


1. When you said “I do!” Do you remember the commitment you made? Honor that commitment. For better or for worse! Remember. 

2. When you said “I do” you were making a vow to God! Remember how big of a deal it is to break a vow to God. 

3. The good times you have had with your spouse. It’s easy to focus on everything that is WRONG. Take some time to really focus on what is RIGHT. 

4. That saying “I don’t” and getting a divorce is not necessarily going to make your life easier. In fact, your life will probably become harder. 

5. That when you say “I dont” that your choice will have a ripple effect for years to come. Your choice will impact your children in ways you may have never imagined. 

6. Love is more than a feeling. Love is about commitment, humility, sacrifice, forgiveness. If you don’t feel in love it means you and your spouse have some work to do! It doesn’t mean that it’s time to say “I don’t.”

Finally, remember that if God could speak everything into existence, part the Red Sea, raise the dead, and so much more, don’t you think He can help your situation? 

Have faith! 

Everyday say “I DO!”

Keep the honey on the moon!