Last year I began a Facebook challenge. It was really hard.

The challenge? Go 21 days without complaining. If you get to day 10 or day 15 and you complain, you have to go back to Day 1. I finished the challenge. It took me ONE YEAR!


Talk about an eye-opener. It was a great exercise. However, it should be a way of life. Complaining doesn’t accomplish much. When I complain I don’t feel better. I don’t feel confident. I don’t feel like things are going to get better.

I feel worse!

What about you? Do you find yourself complaining quite a bit?

Maybe about Facebook?

Maybe about your children?

Maybe about your church?

Maybe about politicians?

Maybe about yourself?

You’re not alone. But being a part of the complain club is a club we need to leave. We need to cancel our membership ASAP!

Stop the complaining. A friend of mine gave me a handout from

You should check out the website. There are a lot of resources. In the handout that was given to me there were 5 things one can do instead of complaining. Consider these for your life.

  1. Practice Gratitude.
  2. Praise Others.
  3. Focus on Success
  4. Let Go
  5. Pray and Meditate

One author has said this about complaining: “Complaining is like bad breath. You know it when you smell it.” I love that. Complaining stinks! It will drive people away.

Avoid it at all costs!