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Imagine The Possibilities

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

I recently did a Podcast called, “Turn Your Pain Into Power.”  Click HERE to listen. The last week has truly been a roller coaster, hasn’t it?

We home school, so not much is changing with respect to school. My son’s guitar lessons will no doubt change. I just had a meeting (at a church where I was going to preach a series of lessons) canceled. It was set to begin on March 21st.

This is the year of cancellation (hey, I wrote a blog on that). Click HERE.

We will have to wait and see what happens next! Whatever happens, we will walk by faith. Right? Leave me an “Amen” in the comment section if you agree!

Now, I want you to think about this. Imagine if you do have to stay home for a while. What might you be able to get done? Consider some things (hopefully you’re not sick) and how you might redeem your time?

  1. Read your Bible more.
  2. Start reading your Bible.
  3. Fix things around the house that have been broken for a long time!
  4. Listen to all of my Podcasts! Sorry, I had to put that in there. Only kidding. Okay, I’m serious!
  5. Start your Podcast.
  6. Begin or finish a book.
  7. Start writing your book.
  8. Text 10-20 people with an encouraging thought. Daily!
  9. Call 10-20 people who are need of encouragement. Focusing on others will help you in this difficult period.
  10. Listen to sermons online! You can find all of my sermons on my Youtube page. Click HERE.
  11. Shop online for necessary things.
  12. Experiment with different bodyweight exercises (air-squats, lunges, push-ups, burpees). Get all of that toilet paper out, line it all up, and then jump back and forth for 5-minutes! LOL. I saw a video from 2017 with someone doing that.
  13. Finish up taxes. Wait, I need to do that.
  14. Begin detoxing from caffeine or social media. Good time to set some parameters.

What else might you add to this list? Please leave me some thoughts in the comments area. And remember, it’s all attitude. Be thankful for your health. Be thankful for your loved ones.



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